Apparel production (의류제작) - woman
Skirt (스커트)
Pants (바지)
Top (탑)
One piece (원피스)
Vest (조끼)
Outer (겉옷)
Traditional costume(전통복식)
Han bok design (한복 디자인) - Improved han bok (개량한복)
Production Accessories (소품제작)
Mending clothes (옷 수선), Reform (리폼)
Special Course (스페셜 코스)
Portfolio (작품집)
Map a license (자격증)
Vacation (방학특강)
Contest (공모전)
One day class (하루 수업)
패션 일러스트
Tarket research (타켓 조사)
Brandnaming (상표명)
Storytelling (스토리텔링)
Imagemaping (이미지 지도)
Fabric design (직물디자인)
Fashion design – W&M (패션디자인- 여성&남성)
Body drawing (신체데생)
– Man and Woman face, hair, hands and feet, body drawing
Body coloring (신체 컬러링)
- Use a variety of techniques and materials
Body deformation destroy human body and drawing
(변형된 체형과 다양한 인체의 바디 드로잉)
Fashion design (패션디자인)
- dress design, formal, casual, traditional costume design)
Accessory design (악세서리디자인)
- bag, shoes, hat